Key Icon Image Explanations

Basic Icon Explanations

Click on the Icons here for detailed explanations

camera-pics-icon camera-pics-icon film-video-icon film-video-icon cd-player-icon cd-player-icon
msn-messenger-icon msn-messenger-icon music-audio-icon music-audio-icon pc-folder-icon pc-folder-icon
mail-email-icon mail-email-icon gifts-accepted-icon gifts-accepted-icon sound-recordings-icon sound-recordings-icon
cell-phone-icon cell-phone-icon snail-progress-report-icon snail-progress-report-icon help-icon help-icon
land-phone-icon land-phone-icon intellectual-competitions-icon intellectual-competitions-icon windows-media-player-icon windows-media-player-icon
clock-time-icon clock-time-icon car-driving-instructions-icon car-driving-instructions-icon notepad-txt-files-icon notepad-txt-files-icon
Light-bulb-idea-icon Light-bulb-idea-icon plane-flying-instructions-icon plane-flying-instructions-icon real-player-files-icon real-player-files-icon
pc-files-icon pc-files-icon anniversary-milestones-icon anniversary-milestones-icon search-icon search-icon

Click on the Icons here for detailed explanations

Detailed Icon Explanations

camera-pics-icon The 'camera-pics-icon' indicates this link leads to camera pictures, scans, or screen captures in jpg, gif, etc.
film-video-icon The 'film-video-icon' indicates this link leads to avi files created from sources including film, video, or digital formats.
cd-player-icon The 'cd-player-icon' indicates this material is available on a CD-R or CD-ROM and you will need a Drive to access it.
msn-messenger-icon The 'msn-messenger-icon' indicates my MSN Messenger User ID.
music-audio-icon The 'music-audio-icon' indicates this is a link to music files or audio files.
pc-folder-icon The 'pc-folder-icon' indicates you will need to look inside a folder for this information.
mail-email-icon The 'mail-email-icon' gives email and snail mail address information.
gifts-accepted-icon The 'gifts-accepted-icon' directs you to where you can get more information about making a donation of time, support, or money.
sound-recordings-icon The 'sound-recordings-icon' links you to related audio files, narrations, and other speaker files that have been captured.
cell-phone-icon The 'cell-phone-icon' is a link that gives you the cell phone contact information.
snail-progress-report-icon The 'snail-progress-report-icon' is a link to a semi-regularly updated page - giving progress preports on the project.
help-icon The 'help-icon' opens a popup window with tips, help, and directions to keep you moving.
land-phone-icon The 'land-phone-icon' is a link that gives you the work phone contact information.
intellectual-competitions-icon The 'intellectual-competitions-icon' links you to information about the current, past, or pending project competitions and rules.
windows-media-player-icon The 'windows-media-player-icon' indicates there is a window media file available on this info.
clock-time-icon The 'clock-time-icon' indicates how long an item may take, or also contact hours.
car-driving-instructions-icon The 'car-driving-instructions-icon' links you to informatin on how to get there by car, from various points.
notepad-txt-files-icon The 'notepad-txt-files-icon' tells you that these files are available in a '.txt' format.
Light-bulb-idea-icon The 'Light-bulb-idea-icon' either invites you to share your ideas, or - a popup opens with my ideas on how to solve an issue.
plane-flying-instructions-icon The 'plane-flying-instructions-icon' links you to informaiton on how to get there by plane, from various points.
real-player-files-icon The 'real-player-files-icon' indicates there is a real media file available on this info.
pc-files-icon The 'pc-files-icon' means you should look on your PC for these files.
anniversary-milestones-icon The 'anniversary-milestones-icon' is at the end of a tutorial, and also takes you to information about successes of current projects.
search-icon The 'search-icon' links you to a search engine for a pre-loaded search on a topic indicated.