These free Alibre Design CAD Tutorials are oriented for different levels
of Experience in the Mechanical 3D CAD World.
If you have experience in Parametric Solids Modeling with Solidworks or Solid Edge - you will find them quite easy.
While the first 8 were written for use with the V6 and V7 User Interface rather than the current Newer Upgraded versions of
Alibre Design or Alibre Design Xpress, they are basically the same in most parts.
-- Alibre Design Xpress Tutorials have begun, with exercise 9 being the beginning. --
For now they are in Acrobat 5.0 pdf format
Click Here if you need Adobe
The First Tutorials are for Brand New CAD users - New to Alibre Design
and CAD.
See the Company Tutorials
to begin if you would like some information first.
The 'Complete' Exercises include step-by-step screen-capture graphics
and text instructions combined.
These are designed to compliment and supplement the tutorials built in to Alibre Design, to give more practice at performing the normal commands, functions, and menu selections for sketching, features, etc., so as to build familiarity and speed.
Please Give me an email when you complete a tutorial and let me know how you liked it or how it needs improvement. Send email to me at: Please let me know which Tutorial you completed, how long it took to do, and such. If you just want to see some quick modeling example of recent questions answered in the alibre forum - go here, or here.
Click Play here to hear an (mp3) audio |
Netscape users - this audio plays automatically -
1x. If you want to stop this - just click the stop button! |
Get the Unique Alibre-Bar-1 toolbar! First Site Toolbar promoting Alibre Design Help. |
It's free, with no spyware or viruses, does not open pop-ups or hijack your searches, and no personal information is required. |
New CAD & New Alibre Design Users |
Exercise 1: Revolve | Bowl Images |
Bowl-1 Exercise Complete *Online Dec.17/03 (11 Pages) |
Bowl-1 Command Review *Online Dec.17/03 |
Bowl-1 Exercise - Text only *Online Dec.17/03 (2 Pages) |
Exercise 2: Revolve | Globe Images |
Globe-1 Exercise Complete *Online Dec.17/03 (22 Pages) |
Globe-1 Command Review *New Feb.13/04 (Landscape Mode) |
Globe-1 Exercise - Text Only *Updated March 3/04 (3 Pages) |
Exercise 3: Extrude | Track Channel Images | |
Track-Channel-1_Exercise Complete *New Feb.18/04 (20 Pages) |
Track-Channel-1 Exercise - Text Only *New Dec.18/03 (4 Pages) |
Exercise 4: Extrude | Step Pyramid Images | |
Step-Pyramid-1 Exercise - Complete *New Mar. 24/04 (26 Pages) |
Step-Pyramid-1 Exercise - Text Only *New Mar. 21/04 (8 Pages) |
Exercise 5: Loft | Loft-Tube Images |
Loft-Tube-1 Exercise - Complete *New June 7/04 (28 Pages) |
Loft-Tube-1 Exercise - Text-Only *Corrected June 7/04 (8 Pages) |
Exercise 6: Loft | Loft-Vase Images |
Loft-Vase-1 Exercise - Complete *New April 16/04 (31 Pages) |
Loft-Vase-1 Exercise - Text-Only *New Mar. 29/04 (8 Pages) |
Exercise 7: Sweep | Toilet-Lid Images | |
Exercise - Complete
* Oct
16/04 (23
Pages) |
Toilet-Lid-1 Exercise - Text Only * June 27/04 (5 Pages) |
Exercise 8: Sweep | Foot-Scrubber Images | |
Foot-Scrubber-1 Exercise - Complete * Oct 18/04 (27 Pages) |
Foot-Scrubber-1 Exercise - Text Only * June 27/04 (8 Pages) |
Exercise 9: Extrude Boss & Cut Intro | Napkin-Holder Image | |
Table Napkin Holder - Complete
* Aug 17/06 (23
Pages) |
Click here to see some Images of parts or models
I have created with Alibre Design.
This Tutorial index page - complements of
Robert Brian Weekley, alibre user: rbrian.
Content on these pages Copyright 2003-2004
by Robert Brian Weekley, Aircraft Computational, Skywave Video &
Animations. |
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- they will be added in web page format - with Added
Audio links you can play to hear the steps.